Thursday, September 26, 2013

Employee Motivation Quotes

The most proven method for improving productivity continues to be employee motivation. The equation amounts to this: When it comes to your staff, what's on their mind? Throughout the day, they will either choose to strive for excellence, or settle for mediocrity. The resulting thoughts will have either a productive or counter-productive impact on their performance, team motivation, and your organization's bottom line.

Corporations across the globe are all trying to figure out the best way to enhance employee motivation. Throughout the ages, the challenge to keep workers motivated has been a top priority. Myriad techniques have been deployed from recognition plaques to bonus trips in hopes of inspiring and motivating, however, in order to really understand employee motivation we must get to the root of human psychology.

Employee Motivation Quotes

Employee Motivation Quotes

Employee Motivation Quotes

Employee Motivation Quotes

Employee Motivation Quotes

Employee motivation is really no different from any other type of psychological motivation. When a person is at work, they essentially are looking to meet the same needs as any other time in life. So, in order to understand employee motivation, we need to understanding the basis of what people really want. A technique to accomplish gaining this understanding is to follow the need back by continually asking why. Using this technique, we can get to the origin of any issue, and typically the answer is the same. At the root of everything we do, is the powerful drive to feel better.

Abraham Maslow (April 1, 1908 - June 8, 1970), one of the most prolific historical psychologists, gave us Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Understanding this hierarchy can be useful in strategy planning for employee motivation programs, but regardless of the operating level, the motivation is still to feel better. Feeling better is why we work, build friendships, eat, sleep, get married, have children, go on vacation, strive to succeed. Everything we do is designed to help make us feel better. Although this concept may seem simplistic, it is at the heart of motivation, and key to understanding how to develop employee motivation programs.

Employee motivation programs should be designed from the top down with emphasis on four core area's that address the most critical segments of this human psychological need to feel better.

1. Feeling like a part of the team. This goes directly to the heart of feeling better. When we feel like we are a part of something bigger than us, it makes us feel better. Society and religion are all based upon this principle. When we are working with others who all have similar goals it has the powerful effect of making us feel as though we are doing the right thing. When people join organizations, or even when they think about God, they become relieved when they know they are part of something much greater than themselves. Any employee motivation program should incorporate basic principles designed to help employees feel like they are part of a team.

2. Incentives. Dangling the proverbial carrot works well in stimulating short term employee motivation. The quarterly contest, complete with prizes, annual trip, etc. all work to help people along the daily grind toward achieving predetermined goals. These activities work well when used in conjunction with daily meetings, motivational quotes, inspirational speakers and creating a general constructive atmosphere.

3. Creating an even playing field. Creating a top down approach allows an organization to even the playing field so that different departments within the company aren't providing more attractive incentives than another. Many companies today are rewarding sales teams, and overlooking incentive based programs in other areas of the company. This practice can set up resentment, and have an undesirable impact on the organization as a whole. If incentive programs are adopted company wide, all employees will become inspired, and share in the appreciation that those leading the company are thinking of everyone, and not just the revenue generating side of the business.

4. Family participation. Often times, company leaders forget that most people place a higher value on family then they do being an employee. By bringing family involvement into the workplace, organizations can help solidify employee motivation by recognizing the values of the employee. Scheduled family day's, organized family functions, and other specific family recognition activities all work toward helping to inspire and motivate employees.

Structured policies that take into consideration these four principles will go a long way toward increasing employee motivation, and creating an atmosphere that enables personal and career oriented growth.

Tired Quotes

"I was always tired. From the moment I would wake up in the morning until the time I went to bed I would have a lack of energy. It did not make sense for me to feel always tired yet I did. I have not ever led an extravagant lifestyle, I do not make it a habit of being on the run all the time, and I certainly do not have the stress level of other folks the way a single parent does."

Tired Quotes

Tired Quotes

Tired Quotes

Tired Quotes

Tired Quotes

Tired Quotes

That quote was from a patient suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, but needless to say there are many causes of illness which have similar effects. Sadly doctors frequently have difficulty differentiating the ultimate causes and aren't always able to provide relief from fatigue.

Common symptoms include (but are not limited to):

continuous low grade fever
joint pain
difficulties with short term memory
waking up tired on a daily basis
While any and all of these symptoms are attributable to a number of potential causes what should throw up a red flag for individuals suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is the continuous (hence: Chronic) nature of any or all of the aforementioned symptoms - the leading among them being always tired.

Sufferers Often Don't Know What's Going Wrong... or Even If Anything Is Wrong

As an example consider this patient quote: "Yet there I was, waking every day feeling lousy and being always tired. It just wasn't any way to live but I had been to the doctor numerous times, probably an average of three or four times a year for various ailments and just general malaise. It finally cam to a head one day this year when I had simply had enough. I was fed up with being always tired. I went to my doctor on a day I was feeling normal and said, 'Listen, today is like any other day for me, and I feel just plain lousy. I felt lousy yesterday, I feel bad today, and odds are pretty good tomorrow is going to be the same. I've had it!'"

Chronic Illness Comes from a Variety of Potential Culprits

Comments like these are common for people suffering from long term illnesses, whether it is an ingrained pitched battle with something like sinusitis, or perhaps continuing viral or strep infections. Inevitably what happens with these people feeling always tired is that something has got to give. Usually what gives ends up being the patient's spirit. Their desire to live life fully dwindles until they become a shell of their former selves. Sometimes it gets to the point where their own family members don't recognize the personality of their ill relatives anymore because they've become so withdrawn.

Diagnosis Perplexes Doctors

Diagnosis of chronic symptoms like these is extremely difficult for doctors because they are used to reacting to and treating short term issues, such as a cold or flu. Rest and relief medication are the normal prescription for short term sickness. Unfortunately many sufferers of longer term disease do not go back to their doctors after a few days when their being always tired has not subsided. Patients who trust their doctors too much and don't express the nature of continuing symptoms run the risk of not ever feeling better. Being always tired is just no way to go through life.

Daily Quotes

Another reason to read a daily quote is because it can introduce some positivity and inspiration into your life. It's been shown that positive thoughts lead to positive actions and increased happiness. When you think and feel more positively, you approach life with a happier outlook and with renewed enthusiasm and energy. Freshly inspired, you are more open to new options and possibilities. Daily quotes by inspiring people can also make you feel more connected to the shared human condition.

Daily Quotes

Daily Quotes

Daily Quotes

Daily Quotes

Daily Quotes

Daily Quotes

Sympathy Quotes

Nearly everybody has, at some time or another, experienced the loss of a loved one. Many have also been in the position to comfort a friend at the loss of someone dear to them. In either case, sympathy words are exchanged. The perennial problem is, of course, that in times of grief, it may be difficult to find the right words. It may in fact be difficult to physically say them at all. However, it's important to express your sympathy to your friend or loved one.

Sympathy Quotes

Sympathy Quotes

Sympathy Quotes

Sympathy Quotes

Sympathy Quotes

Sympathy Quotes

Motivational Quotes

More and more people are becoming motivated through other means. One of the most common ways a person can find motivation is through quotes from famous people from all walks of life. From people like Nelson Mandela to Muhammad Ali more and more people are relating themselves to senior figures who play a big part in influencing them and help motivate them. This article explores the different types of motivational quotes and their likely influence on an individual.

Motivational Quotes

Motivational Quotes

Motivational Quotes

Motivational Quotes

Motivational Quotes

Motivational Quotes

One of the most popular figures in giving lots of motivational quotes is none other than Martin Luther King JR. The following quote "If a man hasn't discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to live", is a prime example of the powerful influence of the quote. This quote is referring to the fact that society as a whole need to take advantage of their life and do something and make a name for themselves. Quotes like these can have a powerful effect on a person in helping them motivate them.

Another inspirational figure whose quotes are quite popular is the former Heavyweight Boxing champion Muhammed Ali whose quotes have inspired many people. One of the most popular quotes is "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee" which is a very motivational quote and has inspired many people.

Motivational speeches have helped many people to be successful in their fields. More and more people are using speeches from high profile leading individuals to motivate themselves. For example, leading figures such as Mother Theresa and Nelson Mandela have inspired people in many ways and have helped expert a powerful influence on today's society. Furthermore, these leading figures have helped motivate thousands of people on daily basis and have continued to inspire many young people. Therefore, motivational quotes will always play a key part in helping motivate people.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Witty Quotes

No one ever said life would be easy. In today's society there are a lot of pressures on people of all ages. From school, to home, and work, people are always looking for a way to cope with everything going on around them. One way people are doing this is by using witty quotes. Some may refer to them as pithy quotes. These are quotes that are short and have a powerful message. Quotes like these are being used in all types of environments for many purposes.

Quotes can be used just about everywhere as long as they fit the situation. At school they can be used in presentations as an attention grabber and personally for inspiration during stressful situations. They can be used in the home to promote a positive attitude and stress family values. A good idea would be for everyone in the family to choose a quote each day that represents them and share it with the family along with why it motivates them. Family members will be brought together and gain a better understanding of each other. Witty quotes are beneficial in the work place in many ways. Of course they can add punch to your presentation and keep the audience focused. They can also be used as a way to motivate employees with visual aids, during meetings, and at their desk to keep a positive attitude during the day. Quotes can be used to inspire idea generation sessions and motivate employees to become more involved. Guest speakers should also consider using quotes as a way to make their topic seem more powerful and have impact on the audience.

Witty Quotes

Witty Quotes

Witty Quotes

Witty Quotes

Witty Quotes

Whatever the purposed, witty quotes can be a very powerful tool to boost morale and help people through stressful times. They should be promoted inside and outside of work so people don't take their home stress to work and vice versa. This applies to students of all ages as well because they need positive influence with all the pressures and the stress they cause on a daily basis. Stress is very hard on a person mentally and physically. We should all use every means available to make our lives easier and help others along the way.

Witty quotes provide inspiration and motivation in people's lives. With all various pressures on people of all ages these days, life can be very stressful and overwhelming. Being stressed and worn out takes it's toll on everyone and can affect every aspect of their life including family relations, work performance, and the ability to stay focused.

Spiritual Quotes

On a deep emotional level we are all aware of our spiritual nature and underneath the surface level of life there is a dimension that we all long to make contact with. There are many views and definitions of what spirituality really is, but what I would like to do here is to present 3 quotes on spirituality from 3 very influential people; people who have made vastly different contributions to life and our understanding of what it means to be a human being in this world.

The first quote on spirituality is from Joseph Campbell, a man who spent a lifetime writing and thinking about the mysteries of life. Here's what he had to say:

"All you can learn is what your own inward life is and try to stay loyal to that."

In our ego driven world we all tend to look around for approval and for how to act and behave. We tend to compare ourselves to others to determine where we are in life and also where we ought to be going.

Spirituality calls on you to look deep within to find your own unique place and path in life. You are unique in every way and on a spiritual level you have a journey tailored to suit only you. When you look within you will discover that authentic spiritual part called your Self through which your entire life is lived. Joseph Campbell tells us to find this part of ourselves and then to stay true to that instead of always looking outside of ourselves for answers.

Spiritual Quotes

Spiritual Quotes

Spiritual Quotes

Spiritual Quotes

Spiritual Quotes

Spiritual Quotes

True fulfillment in life will never come from living up to someone else's expectations or living your life the way you believe you ought to. It will never come from the attainment of goals or achieving what's considered to be success. The ultimate purpose of life is to find out what you are about on that deeper spiritual level and then to live it.

"We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature - trees, flowers, grass- grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence... We need silence to be able to touch souls." - Mother Teresa

The first quote on spirituality from Joseph Campbell was about finding your own authentic path in life. In this quote from Mother Theresa, she tells us how to do it. When mother Theresa offers spiritual advice I for one am willing to listen.

She gives us a very profound spiritual lesson and that is to embrace silence. God is the friend of silence and when you quiet your mind, you get to reconnect with God on a personal level. In our crazy-busy world, time for silence is probably the last thing on most people's list of priorities, yet this is where true authentic power in life comes from. When you empty your mind from all the mundane demands and you return to the centre deep within you are once again connected with that divine power that orchestrates the entire universe.

In a world dominated by new trends and technologies it seems like there is an even greater demand on our attention from every direction. We marvel at the latest inventions and the wonders of new technology, but still it's all very temporary and only lasts until the next best thing comes along.

Even when you look beyond all the man-made wonders and venture into nature to observe a sunset, a shooting star or a thunderstorm, there is one thing that is universally mysterious about it. Even with our technology and scientific knowledge, there is still a huge chunk of it that we simply do not understand. This is what Albert Einstein had to say about it:

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed."

Behind all the surface wonders of the world lies a deeper mystery - as if there is a divine hand behind it all that silently orchestrates and organizes it. This is the true wonder of life. At the heart of spirituality is this wonderful and mysterious force that is the essence of life.

Spirituality is about really waking up to life and to develop a higher awareness - an awareness of that mysterious force behind all of life. If you are not absolutely fascinated with life then you simply don't know enough. It's ironic that our modern day scientists are becoming more and more spiritual because the more we find out about the true nature of life, the more they are realizing that there is an indescribably force behind it all.

Family Quotes

Family Quotes are not just words once quoted by great personalities, but they are pearls of wisdom that have got the power to inspire anyone. They are created to direct peoples on the path of concern, love and dedication.  Here are five benefits of reading family Quotations:

Family Quotes

Family Quotes

Family Quotes

Family Quotes

Family Quotes

Family Quotes

1- Expression of feelings - It is very difficult for lot of us to express our feelings of love and affection. If you are one those facing this difficulty, then Family Quotes is best solution for you. They help you when you are failed to come up with your own words. They help you rise up the occasion. One of few good quotes about family is, "The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family.

2- Family Quotes can bring family members closer. Today everyone is in mad running behind money. People are forgetting their responsibility towards their family. In order to earn more money, they go to abroad and live there leaving their family behind. Thus, joint families are splitting. In such time, Quotes about family can help bring families closer. If you live far away from your family, then sympathy of love brings you and your family closer at heart through the Family Quotes inside.

3- Family Quotes can make your family Laugh - There are some very Funny Family Quotations that can bring a smile to your family. A few of the funny quotes are by Evan Esar, "A social unit where the father is concerned with parking space, the children with outer space, and the mother with closet space." By Phyllis Diller, "Cleaning your house while your children are still growing is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing." These Funny Family Quotes keep their laughter motor going on smoothly. The effects of these quotations will definitely makes you surprised.

4- Family Quotes can inspire your family to live better life. They are our source of unlimited inspiration and motivation. They move us forward in our life. They give us courage to survive through difficult times. Some of My Favorite Inspirational Family Quotes are: "The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life." By Richard Bach, "The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life. Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same roof." By Richard Bach and "Do you want a successful career or a close relationship with your family? Both! Do you want a focus on business or have fun and play? Both! Do you want money or meaning in your life? Both! Do you want to earn a fortune or do the work you love? Both! Poor people always choose one, rich people choose both." By T. Harv Eker.

5- Family Quotes can Strength your Family Bond. Reading them reminds you of the importance of those very precious bonds. These Quotes are about relationship, health, household maters, children and parents. Reading them makes you realize the importance of your family. Thus it indirectly helps in strengthen your family ties.

On the whole, it is fast and best way to express your love compared to other ways. Also, it's a free way to show your feelings whereas in other ways you may have to spend some money.

These are just a few benefits that Family Quotes can bring to you and your family. There are so many more that can't be fit here.

Sports Quotes

Very often sports provide us with a glimpse of the limits of what humanity can achieve. There are very few other spectacles on earth that give us a glimpse of the limits of what humanity can achieve in both mind and body like sports. And when sports are in question, then naturally a lot of people would draw inspiration from the quotations of the great sporting icons of our time. Such words have the power to inspire, to bring out our drive and to keep us focused on being the best we can be.

Sports Quotes

Sports Quotes

Sports Quotes

Sports Quotes

Sports Quotes

Sports Quotes

Sports Quotes